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Privacy Policy

Last updated on May 21, 2024

Mizzlee Art Gallery (“we”, “our”, “us”, or “Mizzlee Art Gallery”) respects the privacy of its users and is fully committed to protecting their personal data and using it in accordance with data privacy laws. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and process any personal data that we collect from you or you provide to us in connection with your use of our website ( or our services (collectively, “Services”). By accessing or using our Services, you signify your understanding of the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.

If you are a resident of the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area, please see Additional Disclosure for European Residents below.

If you are a California resident, please see Additional Disclosures for California Residents below.

If you are a resident of any state in the United States that enacts a materially similar privacy law to those referenced, please see Additional Disclosures for Residents of Specific States below.

We do not knowingly collect, maintain, disclose, or sell personal information about users under the age of eighteen (18). If you are under the age of 18, please do not use our Services. If you are under the age of 18 and have used our Services, please contact us at the email address below so that we may delete your personal information.

1. Background

Mizzlee Art Gallery provides Services to its business customers as well as directly to end users.

If you use our Services only for your personal use, you are considered a “User” and for the purpose of Data Protection Laws, we are the data “controller” or covered “business” as such terms are defined in the applicable Data Protection Law. If you use our Services to execute orders and deliver products to third parties, you are considered a “Merchant.” When processing contact details, payment information, and other information listed in Section 2 directly related to the Merchant, we are the data controller or covered business. Where we act on a Merchant’s behalf to fulfill an order with regard to the Merchant’s customer, we are a “data processor” or “service provider” as such terms are defined in the applicable Data Protection Law. Where we act as a data processor, we process information in accordance with our Data Processing Terms on behalf of our customers.

The term “Data Protection Law(s)” shall include any applicable data privacy or security law, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation, the California Consumer Protection Act, and other relevant laws.

2. Information Collected About Users and Merchants and How We Use It

The types of personal information we obtain and process about you depend on how you interact with us and our Services. This section provides the categories of information we may collect about you and such categories are used in accordance with the disclosures in How We Use Your Data below.

  • Identifiers: Information such as your name, postal address, shipping address, email address, and telephone number.
  • Payment Information: Billing and payment details (including first and last digits of your payment card).
  • Commercial Information: Information about Services you have purchased or considered, and your preferences.
  • Device and Unique Identifiers: Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as IP addresses, the device and browser you use, referring pages, time stamps, and cookies.
  • Geolocation Data: Non-precise location information based on your IP address.
  • Audio Information: Recorded phone calls that we or our representatives participate in as allowed under applicable law.
  • Government Issued Identification: Images and data from government-issued identity documents or identification cards.
  • Content: Communications with us and any other content you provide, such as social media profiles, images, videos, survey responses, comments, reviews, and testimonials.

3. How We Collect Your Data

We may collect data in various ways, including:

  • Directly from You: Personal information you provide when you make a purchase, register for an account, contact us, respond to a survey, participate in promotions, apply for a job, sign up for emails or newsletters, or otherwise communicate with us.
  • Using Online Tracking Technologies: Information automatically collected when you visit our websites, use our Services, open or click on emails we send you, or interact with our advertisements. This includes data collected via cookies and similar technologies.
  • From Merchants: Information obtained directly from Merchants that we may provide services on behalf of.
  • From Social Media Platforms: Information collected when you interact with us on social media or use features provided by social media platforms in connection with our websites.
  • From Other Sources: Information obtained from data analytics providers, marketing or advertising service providers, fraud prevention service providers, vendors providing services on our behalf, or publicly available sources.

4. How We Use Your Data

This section explains how we use your data and identifies the categories of information we collect and process.

  • Providing our Services: Data collected to fulfill our contract with you for the purposes of providing, maintaining, or improving our products and Services. This includes confirming your identity, contacting you, providing customer support, operating your account, and invoicing you.
  • Legal Obligations: Data collected to comply with applicable laws and in furtherance of our legal obligations and legitimate interests.
  • Consent: Data collected based on your consent for specific purposes such as registering your account, subscribing to newsletters, or receiving promotional materials.
  • Analytics and Personalization: Data used to conduct research and analytics, personalize your experience, save you time when visiting our website, understand your needs, and provide personalized recommendations.
  • Communications: Data used to respond to your requests, inquiries, issues, and feedback, and to provide customer service.
  • Security and Fraud Prevention: Data used to detect, investigate, prevent, or take action regarding possible malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and to enforce our terms and procedures.
  • Improving Services and Developing New Products: Data used to better understand how our Services and website are accessed, improve our Services, and develop new products.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Data used for marketing and advertising purposes, including sending marketing communications and showing you advertisements for our Services.

5. Information Collected About Our Merchants’ Customers

When providing products and services on behalf of Merchants, we collect and process certain information about individuals at the direction of such Merchants (“Customer Data”). If you are a customer of a Merchant, the Merchant is the data controller with regard to your personal data contained in Customer Data. Please read the Merchant’s privacy policy for further information.

6. Sharing Personal Data With Third Parties

The following details the types of third parties with whom we share information in connection with your use of the Services:

  • Service Providers: Third parties who perform services on our behalf, such as hosting and server co-location services, manufacturing services, email service providers, payment processors, and analytic and digital marketing providers.
  • Legal Advisors, Legal Process, and Protection: Information shared to comply with legal requirements, protect our lawful interests, enforce agreements, and protect property or safety.
  • Affiliates: Personal data shared with our affiliates for business purposes.
  • Business Customers (i.e., Merchants): Information related to your orders and purchases provided to Merchants.
  • In a Business Transfer: Information shared as part of a corporate business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition.
  • Facilitating Requests: Information shared at your request or direction, such as when you choose to share information with a social network about your activities using the Services.

7. Retention Periods

We may retain your personal data for as long as you have an account with us or any of the aforementioned legal bases for personal data processing exists. After terminating your relationship with us, we may continue to store copies of your personal data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and protect our legitimate interests.

8. Information Security

We use reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. We encourage you to take care of the personal data in your possession and set strong passwords for your account, limit access to your computer and browser, and avoid providing us with any sensitive information.

9. Your Choices In Connection With Our Services

  • Account: You may access, update, or remove certain information through your account or by contacting us at the email address provided below.
  • Communications: You can opt-out of receiving promotional emails by following the instructions provided in the emails or by contacting us. Non-promotional emails related to your account or transactions cannot be opted out of.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: For information on how to control cookies, see our Cookie Policy.
  • Analytics: We use Google Analytics to conduct analytics of our Services. You can opt out of Google Analytics by visiting
  • Legal Privacy Rights: You may have additional legal privacy rights under certain applicable laws. For more information, see the sections titled Additional Disclosures for European Residents, Additional Disclosures for California Residents, and Additional Disclosures for Residents of Specific States below.

10. Additional Disclosure for European Residents

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, you have certain rights with respect to your personal data under the GDPR. These rights include the right to access, rectify, or erase your personal data, data portability, the right to restrict or object to our processing of your personal data, and the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

11. Additional Disclosures for California Residents

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents are afforded certain rights regarding the personal information we have collected about them. These rights include the right to know what personal information we collect, the right to access personal information, the right to request deletion of personal information, the right to correct inaccurate personal information, the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of personal information, and the right to not be discriminated against for exercising these rights.

12. Additional Disclosures for Residents of Specific States

Residents of states with heightened data privacy laws have additional rights, including the right to access information, correct inaccurate personal data, request deletion of personal data, opt-out of the sale of personal data, data portability, and opt-in to the processing of sensitive data. For more information, see the relevant sections below.

13. How to Exercise Your Legal Rights

To exercise your legal rights, you can contact us using the contact information provided below. We may require additional information from you to verify your identity before processing your request.

14. Links to Third-Party Sites

Our Services may contain links to other websites or services. These links are provided for your convenience, and the websites and services may operate independently from us and have their own privacy policy notices, which we strongly suggest you review.

15. Privacy Policy Changes

Any changes we make to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. Therefore, we encourage you to check this page frequently.

16. Complaints

If you believe that we have unlawfully processed your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the contact information provided below or to your respective data protection supervisory authority. We would appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns before you approach a data protection regulator.

17. Contact Information

If you have any questions about your personal data or this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at [email protected] or by using the contact details below:

Mizzlee Art Gallery

Attn: Data Protection Officer

Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam, Kerala, India

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